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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - bolt


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Перевод с английского языка bolt на русский

1) бот. выбрасывать стрелку 2) расцветать или распускаться раньше времени 3) понести (о лошади) 4) просеивать сквозь сито 5) убегать 6) выгонять зверя из норы
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См. в других словарях

  полит. разг. "политическое дезертирство" Выход из состава политической партии или партийной фракции. Понятие вошло в политический лексикон в XIX в. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. засов, задвижка; язык замка behind bolt and bar —- под замком, за решеткой 2. шкворень; шпингалет bolt pin —- тех. шпилька, чека 3. воен. (цилиндрический) затвор bolt mechanism —- скользящий затвор 4. болт 5. ист. стрела арбалета 6. бегство to make a bolt for it —- помчаться, броситься his horse made a bolt —- его лошадь понесла 7. ам. разг. отход от своей партии, принципов to make a bolt to another party —- переметнуться на сторону другой партии 8. молния 9. удар грома 10. рулон (материи, обоев) 11. вязанка прутьев (определенной длины) 12. заготовка для дранки bolt timber —- пиломатериал Id: bolt upright —- прямо, вытянувшись в струнку Id: a bolt from the blue —- неожиданная неприятность, гром среди ясного неба Id: to go off like a bolt —- нестись стрелой Id: to shoot one's bolt —- сделать все, что в чьих-либо силах Id: my bolt is shot —- я сделал все, что мог Id: a fool's bolt is soon shot —- посл. с дурака что возьмешь 13. запирать на засов to bolt smb. in —- запереть кого-либо 14. скреплять болтами, сболчивать 15. (поспешно) выстрелить; пустить стрелу 16. выпалить, выболтать 17. броситься вперед; нестись стрелой 18. понести (о лошади) 19. убегать, удирать 20. ам. студ. жарг. удирать с лекции 21. ам. разг. отходить от своей партии или не поддерживать ее кандидата на выборах 22. разг....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) болт скреплять болтами, сболчивать 2) винт; шуруп; шпилька 3) запор; затвор; язычок; замычка 4) засов запирать на засов; запираться 5) полигр. неразрезанные листы книги (переплетенной книги) 6) болтовой (о креплении) to barb bolt head — заершить головку болта to bolt over studs — крепить на шпильках to ease off bolt — ослаблять болт to head a bolt — высаживать головку болта - adjuster bolt - adjusting bolt - anchor bolt - binding bolt - blank bolt - body bolt - bright bolt - butterfly bolt - cap bolt - clamp bolt - connecting bolt - connecting rod bolt - countersunk-headed bolt - coupling bolt - deck bolt - double-screw bolt - double-shear bolt - eye bolt - fastening bolt - fin-neck bolt - flange bolt - flat-head bolt - gib-headed bolt - gland bolt - grounding bolt - guide bolt - hanger bolt - hexagon-head bolt - hook bolt - hub bolt - joint bolt - locking bolt - nibbed bolt - nut bolt - pendulum bolt - pressure bolt - puller bolt - reamed bolt - rivet bolt - round-head bolt - safety bolt - self-locking bolt - shipping bolt - single-shear bolt - spiked bolt - sprig bolt - spring bolt - spring tie bolt - square-head bolt - stay bolt - stop bolt - strap bolt - swing bolt - swivel bolt - templet bolt - through bolt - track bolt - upset bolt - winghead bolt ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  болт задвижка, засов короткий отрезок бревна упаковка с рулонами обоев (содержащая два и более рулонов) решето, сито assembling bolt barb bolt black bolt box bolt bright turned bolt cane bolt catch bolt coach bolt cup-square bolt dead bolt door bolt drift bolt espagnolette bolt expansion bolt extension flush bolt eye bolt field bolt fishtail bolt fitting-up bolt flat head bolt flush bolt foot bolt fox bolt high-strength bolt high-strength grip bolt high-tension bolt holding-down bolt hook bolt Huck bolt key bolt lag bolt load indicating bolt loose bolt pillar bolt rag bolt ribbed head bolt rock bolts safety bolt she bolt site bolt slotted rock bolt through bolt Torshear bolt U bolt veneer bolt ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) болт скреплять болтами, сболчивать 2) стержень; шкворень; шпилька 3) засов, задвижка, затвор запирать на засов 4) сито; решето просеивать, отсеивать 5) грозовой разряд; молния 6) короткое бревно; баланс(ы); короткий кряж 7) рулон (обивочного или настилочного материала) to clench (to clinch) bolt — расклёпывать конец болта; to cotter bolt — закреплять болт чекой или шпилькой; to cross-thread bolt — завинчивать болт с перекосом; to ease off bolt — отвинчивать (ослаблять, отпускать) болт; to rivet bolt — расклёпывать конец болта; to secure bolt with drop of paint — ставить болт на краске; to slacken bolt — отвинчивать (ослаблять, отпускать) болт - adjusting bolt - anchor bolt - assembling bolt - axle cap bolt - ball-headed bolt - barb bolt - barrel bolt - bearing cap bolt - bearing head wheel bolt - binding bolt - black bolt - blank bolt - bottom bolt - box bolt - bright bolt - buffer bolt - butterfly bolt - carriage bolt - casement window bolt - centering bolt - clamp bolt - clench bolt - clevis bolt - clinch bolt - closet bolt - coach bolt - cone bolt - cone-headed bolt - connecting bolt - connecting rod bolt - construction bolt - contact bolt - cotter bolt - countersunk-headed bolt - coupling bolt - crab bolt - cylinder head bolt - dead bolt - distance bolt - door bolt - double-screw bolt - double-shear bolt - dowel bolt - draft bolt - draw bolt - driving bolt - erection bolt - expansion bolt - expansion anchor bolt - explosive bolt - explosive-anchored roof bolt - eye bolt - fang bolt - fastening bolt - fillister head bolt - finger-tight bolt - fin-neck bolt - fire-exit bolt - fishplate bolt - flat-head bolt - flush bolt - flush-beaded...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n., v., & adv. --n. 1 a sliding bar and socket used to fasten or lock a door, gate, etc. 2 a large usu. metal pin with a head, usu. riveted or used with a nut, to hold things together. 3 a discharge of lightning. 4 an act of bolting (cf. sense 4 of v.); a sudden escape or dash for freedom. 5 hist. an arrow for shooting from a crossbow. 6 a roll of fabric (orig. as a measure). --v. 1 tr. fasten or lock with a bolt. 2 tr. (foll. by in, out) keep (a person etc.) from leaving or entering by bolting a door. 3 tr. fasten together with bolts. 4 intr. a dash suddenly away, esp. to escape. b (of a horse) suddenly gallop out of control. 5 tr. gulp down (food) unchewed; eat hurriedly. 6 intr. (of a plant) run to seed. --adv. (usu. in bolt upright) rigidly, stiffly. Phrases and idioms a bolt from the blue a complete surprise. bolt-hole 1 a means of escape. 2 a secret refuge. shoot one's bolt do all that is in one's power. Derivatives bolter n. (in sense 4 of v.). Etymology: OE bolt arrow 2. v.tr. (also boult) sift (flour etc.). Derivatives bolter n. Etymology: ME f. OF bulter, buleter, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German bolz crossbow ~, and perhaps to Lithuanian beldeti to beat  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a shaft or missile designed to be shot from a crossbow or catapult; especially a short stout usually blunt-headed arrow  b. a lightning stroke; also thunder~  2.  a. a wood or metal bar or rod used to fasten a door  b. the part of a lock that is shot or withdrawn by the key  3. a roll of cloth or wallpaper of specified length  4. a metal rod or pin for fastening objects together that usually has a head at one end and a screw thread at the other and is secured by a nut  5.  a. a block of timber to be sawed or cut  b. a short round section of a log  6. a metal cylinder that drives the cartridge into the chamber of a firearm, locks the breech, and usually contains the firing pin and extractor  II. verb  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to move suddenly or nervously ; start  2. to move or proceed rapidly ; dash  3.  a. to dart off or away ; flee  b. to break away from control or a set course  4. to break away from or oppose one's previous affiliation (as with a political party or sports team)  5. to produce seed prematurely  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic shoot, discharge  b. flush, start ~ rabbits  2. to say impulsively ; blurt  3. to secure with a ~ ~ the door  4. to attach or fasten with ~s  5. to eat hastily or without chewing ~ed his breakfast  6. to break away from or refuse to support (as a political party)  III. adverb  Date: 14th century  1. in an erect or straight-backed position ; rigidly sat ~ upright  2. archaic directly, straight  IV. noun  Date: 1550 the act or an instance of ~ing  V. transitive verb  Etymology: Middle English bulten, from Anglo-French buleter, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle High German biuteln to sift, from biutel bag, from Old High German butil  Date: 13th century  1. to sift (as flour) usually through fine-meshed cloth  2. archaic sift 2 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bolts, bolting, bolted) 1. A bolt is a long metal object which screws into a nut and is used to fasten things together. N-COUNT 2. When you bolt one thing to another, you fasten them firmly together, using a bolt. The safety belt is easy to fit as there’s no need to bolt it to seat belt anchorage points... Bolt the components together... ...a wooden bench which was bolted to the floor. VERB: V n to n, V n with together/on, V-ed 3. A bolt on a door or window is a metal bar that you can slide across in order to fasten the door or window. I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open. N-COUNT 4. When you bolt a door or window, you slide the bolt across to fasten it. He reminded her that he would have to lock and bolt the kitchen door after her. ...the heavy bolted doors . VERB: V n, V-ed 5. If a person or animal bolts, they suddenly start to run very fast, often because something has frightened them. The pig rose squealing and bolted... I made some excuse and bolted for the exit. VERB: V, V prep/adv 6. If you bolt your food, you eat it so quickly that you hardly chew it or taste it. Being under stress can cause you to miss meals, eat on the move, or bolt your food. VERB: V n • Bolt down means the same as bolt. Back then I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 7. A bolt of lightning is a flash of lightning that is seen as a white line in the sky. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. N-COUNT: N of n 8. If someone is sitting or standing bolt upright, they are sitting or standing very straight. When I pushed his door open, Trevor was sitting bolt upright in bed. PHRASE: usu v PHR 9. nuts and bolts: see nut ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LOCK« a metal bar that you slide across a door or window to fasten it 2 »SCREW« a screw with a flat head and no point, for fastening two pieces of metal together 3 a bolt from out of the blue news that is sudden and unexpected  (It was a bolt out of the blue when Alan resigned - completely unexpected.) 4 bolt of lightning lightning that appears as a white line in the sky  (- see also thunderbolt) 5 make a bolt for (it) to suddenly try to escape from somewhere 6 »WEAPON« a short heavy arrow (1) that is fired from a crossbow (1) 7 »CLOTH« a large long roll of cloth  (- see also shoot your bolt shoot1 (20), the nuts and bolts of nut1 (6)) ~2 v 1 2 a) to suddenly start to run very fast because you are frightened  (The horse reared up and bolted.) b) to escape from somewhere  (Kevin had bolted through the open window.) 3 also bolt down to eat very quickly  (Don't bolt your food.) 4 to fasten two things together using a bolt1 (2)  (We had the safe bolted to the wall.) 5 to lock a door or window by sliding a bolt across ~3 adv sit/stand bolt upright to sit or stand with your back very straight ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Battery Operated Local Transit electron. abbr. Burn Out Lighted Timer educ. abbr. Building Opportunities For Learning Together sport abbr. Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance gen. bus. abbr. Building Our Leaders For Tomorrow gen. bus. abbr. BSE On-Line Trading firm name abbr. Boxford Open Land Trust ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. bolt, from P.Gmc. *bultas, from PIE base *bheld- "to knock, strike." Originally a short, stout arrow with a heavy head; the notion of "quick escape" is from a crossbow arrow's flight. A door bolt was a bar with a knobbed end. A bolt of canvas (M.E.) was so called for its shape. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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